3 Reasons Why Your Keurig is Brewing Slowly and How to Fix It

Many Keurig owners have noticed that their once-speedy brewers have slowed down over time. Why is this happening? Well, there are a few reasons why your Keurig might be brewing slowly, and understanding them can help you get the most out of your machine. One of the most common reasons for slow brewing is mineral buildup.

But don’t worry – there are a few simple ways to remedy these issues and speed up your Keurig’s brewing time. Regular descaling (cleaning out those mineral deposits) and cleaning the needle can make a world of difference. And if you’re really in a rush, try using filtered water instead of tap water, which can reduce mineral buildup and keep your Keurig running smoothly.

So don’t give up on your Keurig just yet. With a little TLC, you can get that speedy brewing power back and enjoy your morning coffee in no time.

Why is My Keurig Brewing So Slow – Causes and Solutions

Possible reasons for slow brewing in a Keurig could be clogged needles, scale buildup, or water temperature issues.

To resolve the slow brewing issue in your Keurig, try the following steps:

  1. Descale the machine: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to remove scale buildup. Use a descaling solution or a mixture of vinegar and water to clean the internal components.
  2. Clean the needles: Unplug the Keurig and use a paperclip or a needle-cleaning tool (if provided) to gently unclog the needles that puncture the K-Cup.
  3. Check water reservoir and filters: Ensure the water reservoir is filled properly and check if any filters are clean and in place.
  4. Run a water-only cycle: Perform a few cycles without a K-Cup to flush out any remaining debris or descaling solution.
  5. Check water temperature: If the water is not hot enough, run a few cycles to allow the machine to reach the appropriate brewing temperature.

Let’s drive into details

Common Causes for Keurig Brewing Slowly

There could be several common causes for this issue. One of the most common reasons is a clogged needle. If the needle that punctures the K-Cup is dirty or clogged, it can slow down the brewing process.

Another possible cause is a buildup of minerals or debris in the water reservoir which can lead to a slower flow of water. Another culprit could be a malfunctioning pump, which can cause the machine to take longer to heat up the water and pump it through the system. Lastly, if the machine is not cleaned regularly, it can result in slower brew times.

To ensure optimal performance of your Keurig, it is recommended to clean the machine regularly, descale it periodically, and check for any clogs or malfunctions.

Other Keurig Problems You May Face:

1. Keurig Error Code 6
2. Keurig Error Code 8
3. Keurig Keeps Tripping Breaker

Clogged Water Lines

Clogged water lines are a common issue in many households and can be a real hassle to deal with. There are a number of reasons why your water lines might become clogged, but one of the most common causes is simply a buildup of debris and sediment. This can occur over time as minerals and other particles settle out of the water and start to accumulate in your pipes.

Other possible causes of clogged water lines include the presence of tree roots in your yard, which can grow into and block your pipes, or a buildup of grease or soap scum in your drains. No matter what the cause, it’s important to address clogged water lines as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure that you have access to clean, flowing water in your home. By identifying the source of the problem and taking steps to clear your pipes, you can restore your water system to full functionality and avoid any further issues down the line.

why is my keurig brewing so slow

Inadequate Voltage

When it comes to inadequate voltage, there are a few common causes. One of these is simply overloading your electrical system. If you’re using too many electrical devices at once, you may be drawing more power than your system can handle, leading to a drop in voltage.

Another common cause is a faulty transformer. If your transformer is failing, it may be delivering insufficient voltage to your system, leading to problems with power quality. Finally, inadequate voltage may also be the result of poor maintenance.

Over time, your electrical components can become worn and damaged, leading to voltage drops and other issues. By taking the time to properly maintain your electrical system, you can help ensure that you’re getting dependable power and avoiding problems with inadequate voltage. So, if you’ve been experiencing voltage issues, it may be time to take a closer look at your electrical setup and make sure everything is in order.

Calcium Build-Up

Calcium build-up is a common problem in many homes, particularly in areas with hard water. This occurs when calcium deposits accumulate on surfaces such as pipes, faucets, and appliances. But what causes the build-up of calcium? Well, one common cause is the minerals found in tap water.

Hard water contains high levels of calcium, which can then cause deposits to form over time if not properly removed. Additionally, leaving water to sit in appliances like kettles and coffeemakers can also lead to calcium build-up. Other factors that can contribute to this problem include poor plumbing and infrequent cleaning.

By being aware of these causes, you can take the necessary steps to prevent calcium build-up and protect your home from potential damage.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re wondering why your Keurig is brewing so slowly, there could be a few different reasons for this frustrating problem. The first thing you should check is the water reservoir – make sure it’s filled to the proper level, as a low water level can cause slower brewing times. Another potential culprit is a clogged needle that pierces the K-Cup – try cleaning it with a paperclip or a needle to remove any built-up debris.

Additionally, a dirty machine can cause delays in brewing, so it’s important to regularly clean and descale your Keurig. Finally, if none of these solutions seem to be working, you may need to consider replacing certain parts, such as the filter or the heating element. By troubleshooting the problem step by step, you can hopefully get your Keurig back to its speedy and reliable self in no time.

Descale Your Keurig

If you’re having trouble with your Keurig, one common fix is to descale the machine. Over time, mineral deposits can build up inside the machine and affect its performance. To descale your Keurig, you’ll want to use either a descaling solution or make your own with equal parts water and white vinegar.

First, remove the water reservoir and any remaining water from the machine. Fill the reservoir with the descaling solution or vinegar solution and run the machine as if you were brewing a cup of coffee. You’ll want to repeat this process with fresh water a few times to make sure all the solution is rinsed out.

If you’re still experiencing issues, it might be time to reach out to Keurig’s customer service for additional troubleshooting tips. Overall, descaling your Keurig is an easy and effective way to keep your coffee maker in top shape.

Use Distilled Water

When it comes to troubleshooting tips for your home appliances, one simple solution that often gets overlooked is the use of distilled water. This type of water has gone through a process of purification, which removes any minerals or impurities that can cause buildup and damage within your appliances. While tap water may seem like a convenient option, it can contain minerals that can accumulate over time and clog up your appliances, leading to malfunctions and reduced lifespan.

By using distilled water, you can ensure that your appliances are running smoothly and lasting longer. So, next time you’re experiencing issues with your appliances, try using distilled water to see if it helps solve the problem.

Check Power Source

When troubleshooting your electronic device, it’s essential to consider the power source. Often, the issue with your device could simply be a lack of power or a faulty power supply. To check if your device is receiving power, ensure that it’s plugged into a functioning outlet.

If the device is still not turning on, try plugging it into a different outlet or using a different power cord. Moreover, check that the power button is in the on position. If your device has a battery, ensure it’s properly inserted and charged.

In cases where the battery is removable, try replacing it with a new one. By examining the power source, you can eliminate the possibility of power-related issues with your electronic device and focus on other possible causes. So, before diving into more complicated troubleshooting methods, always remember to check the power source first.

When to Contact Customer Service

If you find yourself asking “Why is my Keurig brewing so slow?” it may be time to contact customer service. Slow brewing can be caused by a variety of factors such as a clogged water line, a blocked needle or filter, or a malfunctioning pump. It’s important to troubleshoot the issue first by checking for any visible blockages or sediment buildup in the water reservoir, cleaning the needle and filter, and descaling the machine if necessary.

If these steps don’t solve the problem, it’s best to reach out to Keurig’s customer service team for further assistance. They can recommend additional troubleshooting steps or even provide a repair or replacement if needed. Don’t let a slow-brewing Keurig ruin your morning routine – contact customer service for help.

Persistent Slow Brewing

If you’ve noticed that your slow-brew coffee seems to be taking forever and you’re not seeing any progress, it’s time to contact customer service. While persistent slow brewing can be a result of many factors, it’s not something that can be fixed on your own. It could be an issue with the coffee maker itself, the grind of the coffee beans, or even the water used.

Instead of wasting your time and coffee beans trying to diagnose the issue, get in touch with the customer service team for your coffee maker brand. They will be able to guide you through troubleshooting steps or arrange for a repair or replacement if necessary. Don’t let your coffee time be ruined by a slow brew – reach out for assistance.

Strange Noises or Odors

If you notice strange noises or odors coming from your appliances, it’s always a good idea to contact customer service to ensure that everything is functioning correctly. Sometimes, the noises could be just normal sounds, but other times, it could be a sign of a more significant problem. Either way, it’s better to be safe than sorry and have a professional take a look.

Additionally, any unusual odors coming from an appliance could be cause for concern. These odors could be a sign of a gas leak or malfunctioning parts, which could be hazardous to your health. So, it’s important to act quickly and contact customer service immediately if you notice anything concerning.

Remember, sometimes the smallest issues can turn into bigger problems if left unchecked, so always take a proactive approach when it comes to the health and safety of your household.


In conclusion, the reason why your Keurig is brewing so slowly is a conundrum worthy of a Sherlockian mind! Maybe the tiny coffee beans inside your K-cup are conspiring against you, or perhaps the water molecules are taking an unexpected slow-motion dance. It could be that your Keurig simply needs a little TLC, or maybe it wants to remind you to savor the slow moments in life. Whatever the reason may be, don’t let a slow-brew coffee ruin your day – just sit back, relax, and let your Keurig do its thing at its own pace.


Why is my Keurig brewing so slow?
There are several reasons why your Keurig may be brewing slow including clogged needles, mineral buildup, and a malfunctioning pump. Try descaling your Keurig, cleaning the needles, and checking the pump to see if any of these solutions improve your brew speed.

Can using unfiltered water cause my Keurig to brew slowly?
Yes, using unfiltered water can cause mineral buildup in your Keurig, clogging the needles and slowing down the brewing process. Consider using filtered or distilled water to help prevent this issue.

How often should I descale my Keurig to prevent slow brewing?
It is recommended to descale your Keurig every 3-6 months to prevent mineral buildup and ensure that the machine is running smoothly. If you notice slow brewing or other issues before the recommended timeframe, it may be necessary to descale sooner.

What can I do if my Keurig is still brewing slowly after descaling?
If your Keurig is still brewing slowly after descaling and cleaning, it may be necessary to replace the pump or needles. Contact the Keurig customer service team for assistance and potential repairs.

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